ICASH 4: Notification of Submission Acceptance


Dear Authors and Readers,

We delightedly appreciate all enthusiasm and attention to the 4th International Conference on Applied Science and Health (#ICASH4), to be held on 23-24 July 2019 at Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University, Salaya Campus, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand.

After double-blindly reviewed by at least one scientific committee and one editorial team, we proudly announce there are 207 papers have met the acceptance requirements set forth by the editorial board (details at the ABSTRACT BOOK).

There are 136 marvelous papers will be presented in Oral session, 16 amazing articles will be addressed in the Poster Talk session, and the other 55 enormous works will be delivered in one-hour Poster session. This year, Please kindly be noted that the Abstract has been edited by our committee. Among them, 4 papers have been selected to be published at Global Health Management Journal, the DOAJ-indexed journal partner published by Yayasan Aliansi Cendekiawan Indonesia Thailand, internationally known as Indonesian Scholars' Alliance.

As Oral Presenter, one of the author will present their work in Presentation Format for 10-minute speech and 2-minute Q&A session. The attached ABSTRACT BOOK shows the time and room for your presentation. Note your code, provided in the ABSTRACT BOOK, to indicate your class room. Please send your Presentation File to us not later than 22 July 2017. Here is to download the presentation file template in .ppt format. Name the file by this following format: ICASH 4_Code in Abstract Book_Your Name. Example: ICASH 4_A001_John Wick.

As Poster Presenter, one of the author should stand-by and present the Poster in the one-hour Poster Session. Please be noted that the POSTER presenters are required to print their own poster and carry it during registration. Your poster codes are available in the ABSTRACT BOOK. Indicate your Poster Code during registration in the event. Our committee will help you to install the POSTER at the POSTER standing. Print your POSTER in POTRAIT A0 sized: 118.9 cm in height x 84.1 cm weight. Please be noted, the POSTER should comprise of:

ABSTRACT (use the Final Abstract that proofread by the editors, see the ABSTRACT BOOK.)



Results and Discussions



Acknowledgments (if any)

References (in Vancouver style)


Be informed that the Best Presenters in Poster and Oral session will be given a certificate of appreciation at closing ceremony, and be awarded with one free publication at the Global Health Management Journal.


See you very soon in Bangkok!

The Committee.